Welcome to LDI Training
LDI Training has been providing oil and gas training courses in Indonesia and Asia Pacific for 30 years. Besides oil and gas courses, LDI Training also offers management courses which are needed by professionals to manage their projects or complete their tasks well. For example, an oil production supervisor needs to have the skills and knowledge in oil and gas processing, project management and team building to perform his or her job functions well.
LDI Training, founded in 1988, has been working with our clients in petroleum exploration and production, geothermal development, energy generation and petrochemical industry in developing their professionals. We understand their needs and expectations. Our technical and management courses are designed and conducted by instructors who have worked in the industry and are well-known experts in their field of specialty.
Our mission is to provide high quality and effective training which will help our clients achieve higher productivity and better financial results; such as to increase the oil and gas production, improve safety and reduce operating costs. Our courses are relevant and timely and are designed based on the needs of our clients. The knowledge and skills that we teach are practical and immediately applicable when the participants return to their job.
LDI Training offers oil and gas training in Indonesia in three popular cities: Jakarta, Bandung and Balikpapan. The duration of our courses is 2 days, 3 days and 5 days depending on the topics. Besides offering public courses, we also will work with our clients to design and conduct inhouse training based on our clients’ needs and requirements.
Our petroleum training courses cover many important topics on oil and gas exploration and production such as oil well drilling, oil and gas processing, production safety systems, API RP 14C and RP 17V, corrosion control, oil production chemistry, reserves estimation, well completion, workovers, reservoir engineering and modelling. Our other oil and gas related courses include the Production Sharing Contracts (the PSC), PSC accounting, petroleum economics and project management.
For HRD and training specialists we have courses on training needs assessment (TNA), evaluating training results and measuring the ROI of training.
On maintenance management topics, we have courses on reliability centered maintenance, equipment failure analysis, preventive and predictive maintenance.
On people management, we have soft skill courses on leadership, teamwork, time management, managing conflicts and handling difficult people and supervisory skills.
In the areas of personal effectiveness, we have courses such as writing reports in English, writing effective emails, making effective presentations, problem solving and decision making, and conducting successful negotiations.
Companies that have participated in our oil and gas training include SKK Migas, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Total, Pertamina, Medco Energi, ConocoPhillips, Saka Energi, Premier Oil, Mubadala, Inpex, BP, Star Geothermal, Petronas, PTTEP, Esso Malaysia, Shell Brunei, CNOOC, PetroChina, Star Energy, Vico Indonesia, Santos, Kodeco, ENI, BOB Bumi Siak Pusako, Kondur Petroleum, Kangean Energy, Mandala Energy, Lapindo Brantas, Mobil Cepu, Talisman and many others.
We invite you to view our course schedule. If you have any question about our courses, or if you any have any needs for inhouse training, please contact our friendly staff at lditrain@indo.net.id. We look forward to working with you in developing your oil and gas professionals.